Three types of school have been established in Zambia: Community Schools, Private Schools and Government Schools. Community schools are, as the name suggests, founded by a community of committed people and financed by donations or voluntary work. Most schools of this type make do with the bare minimum, often have no buildings and no trained teachers. However, they fill precisely the gap that the state school system fails to fill: here, all children can learn every day without paying any fees or financial outlay. The academic quality is correspondingly low, and very few are state-recognized. Private schools have the highest quality of education and range from schools run by international NGOs to schools run by churches or religious denominations. There are private schools in the compounds that accept children for a small fee and are financed by private sponsors. There are also international private schools, which mainly teach the children of diplomats or expats. State schools charge a fee for school attendance which varies but is still affordable for the average student. In contrast to the other two types, state schools must accept all children. As a result, most classes are extremely overcrowded with an average of 70 to 90 children; accordingly, they do not have a good reputation.
Zambia does not have a multi-tier system like Germany. The grades of three final examinations determine which qualification a child can obtain. In principle, a child in Zambia can start school at the age of 3 and then attend preschool until the age of 6.
3 years old: Baby Class (Preschool)
4 years old: Middle Class (Preschool)
5 years old: Reception (Preschool)
Grades 1-7: Primary School
Year 7: Final examination to determine whether you are allowed to go to secondary school. The grade determines which school you are accepted to.
Grades 8-12: Secondary school
9th grade: Final exam. Only those who do well here are allowed to continue to high school (“Abitur”). Those who fail here can take a re-examination or be satisfied with this intermediate qualification.
Year 12: Final exams = Abitur, the final qualification is the “Grade 12 Certificate”